Aliaskar Abarkas is a London-based artist and writer. Committed to alternative and communal art education, he employs a choreographic and sonic approach to facilitate dynamic interactions between individuals, guiding a transition from isolated experiences to collective expressions. Engaging closely with institutional infrastructures, Aliaskar proposes and tests methodologies that reimagine open contexts within which his practice evolves and circulates, leading to contingent shifts in the dimensions of ideas and material forms. In the project All The Whistlers, Aliaskar collaborates with diverse creative networks and participants, documenting the process that leads to musical compositions, visuals, and performances.
Aliaskar holds a fellowship at Sadler’s Wells/Rose Choreographic School (London, 2024-26). He is a resident artist at RTM.FM with a monthly radio show:
"On Alternative Education." He was an associate artist at Castro (Italy), Open School East (UK), the Institute of Postnatural Studies (Spain), Rupert (Lithuania), and Syllabus V (UK). Aliaskar holds a BFA and MA in Fine Arts and Theory of Art and Politics from the University of Tehran and Goldsmiths, University of London.
Additionally, he has contributed to various programmes and institutions, including LUX Critical Forum, The Sonic and Somatic Transdisciplinary Research and Practice Programme, Advanced Practices, The Centre for Arts Design & Social Research, The New Centre for Research & Practice, and the Barbican Centre's Communities and Neighbourhoods. He is a recipient of an Arts Council England Project Grant. Most recently, his projects, performances, and other interventions have been supported and presented at The Mosaic Rooms, TACO!, Swiss Church (London), CAPC (Bordeaux), and LOCALES (Rome).
Sadler's Wells/ Rose, Martin Hargreaves
Nero Magazine, Giulia Crispiani
Artist Talks
University of Tehran
Selected Projects
All The Whistlers:
Barbican Centre, The Conservatory
Sadler's Wells
By Whom It Was Hear, I Don't Know, Sound Installation: Short Theatre Festival, Rome​
Secret Sits in the Middle and Knows: The Pickle Bar, Berlin
Barbican Centre ​​​​
Facilitations, Guidance & Workshops
RTM.FM: On Alternative Education
Radio Alhara
Selected Texts
Interjection Calendar 009: Montez Press
Poems and Texts by The Whistlers
Composers I Have Collaborated With
Previous Co-facilitators
Eve Atkins
​Thanks to My Radio Guests
Maggie Matic
Thanks for the Support of
Sean Elder
Chiara Sivaro
Cedric Fauq
Deniz Kirkali
Siegrun Salmanian
Mat Jenner
Vania Gonzalvez
Thanks for the Assistance of
Gisou Golshani
Niki Kohandel
Negar Yazdanpanah
Sheida Gorjidooz​​​